Remember, the Energy Creates Scholarships Are Open Until August 31, 2024

In case you missed it, one of Canada's biggest scholarship programs is open now for applications, but only until August 31!

Energy Creates is a massive, brand-new scholarship program for Canadian and international students alike. Five awards of $100,000 are up for grabs, so don't miss your chance to enter the contest.

If you're a student between the ages of 15 and 25, you're eligible!

How do I apply for a $100,000 Energy Creates scholarship?

Applying is easy — you don't need to worry about your grades, or your community service. Instead, you'll learn about and reflect on an important and pressing topic: the Canadian energy sector.

Step 1: Create your Energy Creates account

Easy! Create a simple account in minutes. Name, email, birthdate, and country of citizenship is all that's required.

Step 2: Watch director Mathew Embry's documentary "Global Warning"

This is a 90-minute documentary from filmmaker Mathew Embry, following his explorations of climate science and conflicting opinions on the way forward for the protection of the planet.

You should take notes as you watch, as you'll want to reflect on the documentary's content later.

You can watch the full film, Global Warning, on YouTube — embedded below for your convenience — or you can watch it directly in the scholarship portal. Whichever way you watch the film is up to you.

Step 3: Pass a quiz

To ensure you've watched and digested the film, you'll need to pass a basic quiz covering topics addressed in the doc. Energy Creates even provides a downloadable study guide to help, in case you find your own notes less than helpful.

You're not graded on your quiz performance! Your results don't impact your eligibility for a scholarship — the quiz is just to help you understand the documentary. You can retake the quiz as many times as needed to pass.

Step 4: Showcase your creativity

This is the fun part. Energy Creates wants to hear how Canadian energy helps build and sustain a world that you want to live in! This could be through renewable energy sources, fossil fuels, or a blend of methods — how does energy production and innovation impact you, your community, and the world at large?

Here are some topic ideas to get your brain storming:

  • energy security in Canada and around the world
  • economic growth and job development
  • technological innovation
  • sustainability, today and in the future

Show us your personality! Write an essay, compose a song, choreograph a dance, shoot a short film — whatever gets your creative juices flowing. Lean into your personal niche and indulge your creativity.

All kinds of artistic expression are encouraged. The only limits are your imagination — and as an ambitious young student, that should be no limitation at all. 😁

Your Energy Creates scholarship application is 100% complete after you upload your creation to the portal. (Or send a link to YouTube, your blog, etc, as necessary.)

How will my application be judged?

A diverse team of experts across many subject areas are involved with adjudication. Artists, scientists, engineers, and more are on the team, reviewing applications.

Your best bet to submit a stellar application is to pour your passion into your work!

Remember, the scholarship closes for applications on August 31, 2024. The top five entries, as chosen by the selection committee, will each receive $100,000 to support their education.

Not going to college or university next semester? All good! You can still receive a scholarship as long as you're between the ages of 15 and 25, and have plans for post-secondary education in or before 2027.

So get creative, and bring your personal energy to this unique scholarship opportunity. Learn about climate change and energy policy, and showcase your perspective for a shot at $100,000.

Apply by August 31, 2024. Best of luck!

Get creative and you could win $100,000 for school